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Mental Health in the workplace

One of the big areas of concern for business owners and leaders nowadays is that of mental health.

We talk a lot about physical Health & Safety, however, there is a gap around how we support those who are struggling mentally. There is a rise in mental illness in the workplace today, for a number of different contributing factors, and as leaders, there is a need to get better at identifying this and providing the right level of support for our people, as they work through things.

It’s staggering that 47% of people will experience a common mental illness in their lifetime and 18.6% of adults will be diagnosed with a mood and/or anxiety order …

For me, mental health in the workplace is about pre-emptive leadership before things get to the crisis stage. Professional Supervision provides people the opportunity to sit in a safe and trusted space once every month and discuss whatever is causing them dis-ease; allowing them to work on the issue and move forward.

Mental health in the workplace is paramount, not only for the care of our teams but also for business productivity, customer service, and the company culture… in addition to employee retention, which I’m sure you would agree, is a real hidden cost for businesses.

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